一、度量衡单位词 (Units of Measurement)
长度 (Length):
- inch (英寸): A ruler is usually 12 inches long. (一把尺子通常有12英寸长。)
- foot/feet (英尺): He is six feet tall. (他身高六英尺。)
- yard (码): The fabric is sold by the yard. (这种布料按码出售。)
- mile (英里): The distance between the two cities is about 100 miles. (这两个城市之间的距离大约是100英里。)
- centimeter (厘米): The width of the book is 20 centimeters. (这本书的宽度是20厘米。)
- meter (米): The swimming pool is 25 meters long. (游泳池长25米。)
- kilometer (公里/千米): The marathon is 42.195 kilometers. (马拉松全程42.195公里。)
- millimeter(毫米):The thickness of the coin is about 2 millimeters. (这枚硬币的厚度约为2毫米)
重量 (Weight):
- ounce (盎司): There are 16 ounces in a pound. (一磅等于16盎司。)
- pound (磅): I bought two pounds of apples. (我买了2磅苹果。)
- gram (克): This gold necklace weighs 50 grams. (这条金项链重50克。)
- kilogram (千克/公斤): The baby weighs 3.5 kilograms. (这个婴儿重3.5公斤。)
- ton (吨): The truck can carry a load of 10 tons. (这辆卡车可以载重10吨。)
- milligram (毫克):The dosage of the medicine is 500 milligrams.(药物剂量为 500 毫克。)
体积 (Volume):
- pint (品脱): A pint of milk. (一品脱牛奶。)
- quart (夸脱): A quart of oil. (一夸脱油。)
- gallon (加仑): I need five gallons of paint. (我需要五加仑油漆。)
- liter (升): A bottle of water usually contains 1 liter. (一瓶水通常含有1升。)
- milliliter (毫升): I added 5 milliliters of vanilla extract to the cake batter. (我在蛋糕糊里加了5毫升香草精。)
- cubic meter (立方米):The volume of the container is 10 cubic meters.(该容器的体积为 10 立方米。)
面积 (Area):
- square inch (平方英寸): The area of the tile is 9 square inches. (这块瓷砖的面积是9平方英寸。)
- square foot/feet (平方英尺): The apartment is 800 square feet. (这套公寓面积为800平方英尺。)
- acre (英亩): The farm is 100 acres. (这个农场占地100英亩。)
- square meter (平方米): The room is 20 square meters. (这个房间面积为20平方米。)
- hectare (公顷): The forest covers an area of 50 hectares. (这片森林占地50公顷。)
温度 (Temperature):
- degree Fahrenheit (华氏度): The temperature is 77 degrees Fahrenheit. (温度是华氏77度。)
- degree Celsius (摄氏度): Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. (水在摄氏100度沸腾。)
- second (秒): Wait a second!(等一下!)
- minute (分钟): The meeting lasted for 30 minutes. (会议持续了 30 分钟。)
- hour (小时): I slept for eight hours. (我睡了八个小时。)
- day (天): There are seven days in a week. (一周有七天。)
- week (周/星期): I go to the gym three times a week. (我每周去健身房三次。)
- month (月): February is the shortest month of the year. (二月是一年中最短的月份。)
- year (年): I’ve been learning English for five years. (我已经学了五年英语了。)
二、集合单位词 (Collective Nouns)
- a flock of (一群 – 鸟、羊等): A flock of birds flew overhead. (一群鸟从头顶飞过。)
- a herd of (一群 – 牛、大象等): A herd of elephants crossed the river. (一群大象穿过了河流。)
- a school of (一群 – 鱼): A school of fish swam in the coral reef. (一群鱼在珊瑚礁中游动。)
- a pack of (一群 – 狼、狗;一副 – 纸牌): A pack of wolves howled in the distance. / A pack of cards. (一群狼在远处嚎叫。/ 一副纸牌。)
- a swarm of (一群 – 蜜蜂、昆虫): A swarm of bees buzzed around the hive. (一群蜜蜂在蜂巢周围嗡嗡叫。)
- a crowd of (一群 – 人): A crowd of people gathered in the square. (一群人聚集在广场上。)
- a team of (一队 – 人、运动员): A team of doctors performed the surgery. (一组医生进行了手术。)
- a crew of (一组 – 船员、机组人员): The crew of the ship prepared for departure. (船员们准备出发。)
- a bunch of (一束 – 花;一串 – 香蕉、葡萄): A bunch of flowers. / A bunch of bananas. (一束花。/ 一串香蕉。)
- a group of(一组):A group of students. (一组学生)
三、容器单位词 (Container Nouns)
- a bottle of (一瓶): A bottle of water. (一瓶水。)
- a glass of (一杯): A glass of juice. (一杯果汁。)
- a cup of (一杯): A cup of coffee. (一杯咖啡。)
- a can of (一罐): A can of soda. (一罐苏打水。)
- a jar of (一罐): A jar of jam. (一罐果酱。)
- a box of (一盒): A box of chocolates. (一盒巧克力。)
- a bag of (一袋): A bag of chips. (一袋薯片。)
- a carton of (一盒): A carton of milk. (一盒牛奶。)
- a tube of (一管): A tube of toothpaste. (一管牙膏。)
- a bowl of(一碗):A bowl of soup. (一碗汤)
四、形状/状态单位词 (Shape/State Nouns)
- a slice of (一片 – 面包、披萨、蛋糕): A slice of bread. (一片面包。)
- a piece of (一块 – 蛋糕、纸、建议): A piece of cake. / A piece of paper. / A piece of advice. (一块蛋糕。/ 一张纸。/ 一条建议。)
- a loaf of (一条 – 面包): A loaf of bread. (一条面包。)
- a bar of (一块 – 巧克力、肥皂): A bar of chocolate. / A bar of soap. (一块巧克力。/ 一块肥皂。)
- a sheet of (一张 – 纸): A sheet of paper. (一张纸。)
- a roll of (一卷): A roll of toilet paper. (一卷卫生纸。)
- a lump of (一块 – 糖、煤): A lump of sugar. (一块糖。)
- a grain of (一粒 – 米、沙): A grain of rice. (一粒米。)
- a drop of(一滴): A drop of water.(一滴水)
五、抽象/不可数名词的单位词 (Units for Abstract/Uncountable Nouns)
- a piece of (用于修饰许多不可数名词,如 advice, information, news, furniture, equipment, luggage, work, research 等): A piece of advice. (一条建议。) / A piece of information. (一条信息。)
- an item of (一件 – 衣服、新闻、家具): An item of clothing. (一件衣服。) / An item of news. (一条新闻。)
- a bit of (一点 – 用于修饰不可数名词,表示少量): A bit of luck. (一点运气。) / A bit of trouble. (一点麻烦。)
- a speck of (一点 – 灰尘、污渍): A speck of dust. (一点灰尘。)
- a word of (几句 – 建议、警告): A word of advice. (几句忠告。)
- a fit of (一阵 – 情绪): A fit of anger. (一阵愤怒。)
- a flash of (一道-闪光、灵感): A flash of lightning, a flash of inspiration.(一道闪电,一个灵感)
- a state of(一种状态): A state of emergency. (紧急状态)
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